“Man is not born, but made

An energetic duet on male construction. A deconstruction of contemporary virile behavior, acclaimed by some and questioned by many.

Questioning the mandates of contemporary masculinity and how men feel challenged to publicly confirm their manhood is the focus of COWARDS. A duet that combines dance and theater, which refers to the acquired socio-cultural burden, established in the denial of everything that is different. A piece to reflect on cowardice as dishonor and men’s inability to express their doubts and fears, to avoid confirming their fragility.

Direction and concept: Àngel Duran

Interpretation: Yeinner Chicas and Àngel Duran

OST: Joan Borràs

Scenographic design: Adrià Pinar

Costume: Paula Ventura

Lighting design: Xavi Moreno

Content advice: Roberto Fratini

Executive production: ELCLIMAMOLA

With the support of: l’Estruch Sabadell, SóLODOS Costa Rica, Teatre Cirvianum, Teatre l’Ateneu de Celrà,

Teatre Sagarra, Roca Umbert, TLS Vic and CC Sagrada Família.

Une coproduction de :

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