Angel Duran was born in a small town in the interior, the youngest of three siblings with a significant age gap. This circumstance led him to seek refuge in his imagination from a young age, creating parallel worlds that fed his curiosity about the world and human diversity. The need to explore and understand the world around him drove him to find his place in it.
The first major turning point in his life came when he moved to Barcelona to study Art and Design. It was in the Catalan city where, almost by accident, he discovered contemporary dance by watching a version of Madame Butterfly. Until that moment, his focus had been on sports, with no connection to the world of physical expression. However, the link between movement and theatricality captivated him. He began taking dance classes, funded by various weekend and holiday jobs. What began as a curiosity soon transformed into a passion.
Duran’s discipline and dedication led him to pass the demanding auditions to join SEAD, a prestigious international school in Salzburg, Austria. In 2012, after presenting his final project in Barcelona, he flew to Austria two days later to start his professional training in contemporary dance.
After four intense years, he graduated as a performer and began his professional freelance career, taking him to perform on prestigious stages in Belgium, Germany, the Czech Republic, and other European countries. He worked with companies like Anton Lachky Company, Milla Koistinen, Stephan Herwigh, and DOT504, as well as teaching workshops and classes in Europe and America. Simultaneously, his interest in acting led him to study in Barcelona and Madrid.
However, 2020 marked a decisive change. The pandemic halted all the productions he was involved in, which led him to return to his hometown. There, in a radically different context from the work and life dynamic he had been living, and amid uncertainty, he rethought his artistic future and found the drive to embark on a new stage as a creator. What would have been an ending for many was, for Angel Duran, the beginning of a deep professional transformation.
In the following years, effort and perseverance paid off, with increasingly ambitious productions accompanied by international recognition, including First Prize at the International Solo Festival in Stuttgart (Germany), the Prize at the Sólodos en Danza competition (Spain), the International Work Award at the Quartiers Danses Festival (Montreal, Canada), and a Special Mention at CORTOINDANZA (Cagliari, Italy).
Recently, he was awarded the MAX Award and the Butaca Award for his piece COWARDS, a reflection on the construction of male identity and the fragility of its foundations.
Beyond his work as a creator, Duran remains committed to using art as a tool for social transformation. In addition to conducting community workshops, he collaborates with the Gambeta Foundation, whose goal is to provide personal and professional growth opportunities for at-risk children in Colombia and Spain through sport and education.
Today, Angel Duran continues to face new challenges with the same passion and curiosity as always. He is expanding his horizons beyond dance, exploring acting and undertaking increasingly ambitious projects.